The basic connotation of the idea of private law contains sacred private right, equal personality and autonomy in private law. 私法理念的基本内涵是私权神圣、人格平等和私法自治。
To the uneducated people the idea of finance is as uncomfortable as the idea of the law. 对于没有受过教育的人来说,金融概念和法律概念一样叫人反感。
For centuries and until the present day there have been rulers who sought to twist the idea of law and to appropriate it for themselves and their own false purposes. 许多个世纪以来,直到今天,总有一些统治者试图去扭曲法律,试图假借法律的名义为他们自己,为他们错误的目的服务。
The first example is the idea of law. 第一个例子是关于法律的定义。
The idea of law is the realization of justice. 法律理念乃是正义的实现。
The third theme of public argument, the constitutional consensus, is focused on the idea of law and the whole constellation of ideas that provide the foundation and structure of the legal order. 公共争论的第三个主题,宪政的合致将焦点集中于为法律秩序提供了基础和结构的法律理念和理念集合。
The integration history of traditional Korean idea of law with the modern law idea proves the possibility of the continued existence and development of the idea of the rule of law in a non-western cultural context. 传统的韩国法观念与现代法治融合演进的历史进程,证实了法治在非西方文化语境下生成有其可能性。
While influenced by the Roman law and canon law, the English idea of corporation assimilated the German group-based idea of law. 尽管英国的法人观念深受罗马法和教会法的影响,但是日耳曼团体本位观念仍被吸收和继承下来。
Young Marx and the Evolution of His Idea of Law 青年马克思与其法学观的演变
The idea of law coming from the political civilization and the harmonious social has a rich connotation. 由政治文明与和谐社会思想衍生的法治理念具有丰富的内涵。
Therefore, Chinese traditional idea of law is a combination of natural law, legislation and discretion which is embodied in both legislative and judicial activities. 传统观念里的法律勿宁说是天理、国法、人情的综合体,在立法活动和司法活动中,这种观念都有清晰地表达。
On Laozi's Idea of Law Thinking 老子法律虚无思想之辩与辨
Idea of law is the inner spirit of law, and universality is the important feature of idea of law, while the universality is mainly embodies in the transcendental nationality of idea of law. 法理念是法的内在精神。普遍性是法理念的重要特征,而法理念的超民族性则是其普遍性的重要表现。
On the Differences between Chinese and Western Idea of Law 论法理念之中西差异
The idea of law is the understanding about the basic standpoint and pursue of the law on the most abstract and general level. 法的理念是对法的基本立场和追求的最抽象、最概括层面上的认识。
There are some evident differences of the idea of law between ancient China and ancient occident, such as ontology of law, status of law, values of law, regime, reign means, etc. 中西方古代法观念在法的本体、法的状况、法的价值、政体形式、治国方略等方面存在着很大的差异。
A Discussion of External Obstacles to the Cultivation of the Idea of Law on the Part of College Students& A First Piece of Research on How to Foster the Idea of Law in College Students 论大学生法观念养成的外部障碍
It produce a great impact on Chinese tradition idea of law, It influence reformation of legal system and modernization of law in the late of Dynasty. 对动摇晚清中国传统法律观念以及对清末中国法制改革和法律现代化进程产生了深远的影响。
On Justice in the Idea of Law 论法理念中的正义观
Review of Our Idea of Law 检讨我们的法律观
The idea of law supreme; 法律至上理念;
Based on the reflection, the citizen legal role, the logic structure of law, and the justice idea of law should be reconsidered and reoriented. 应当在这种批判的基础上,重新思考和定位人的法律角色、法的逻辑构造方式、法的正义观念等。
Extend the parole system changes with the idea of law enforcement, related systems have a lot to perfect. 假释制度的扩大适用跟执法理念的转变、相关配套制度的完善有很大的关系。
Furthermore, different types of family mediation are closely related to the native idea of law and institutional rule. 而且,不同类型的家事调解与本国法律理念、制度规范紧密相关,并体现出不同特点。
It mainly analyses the idea of law, the education of law, the thought of law of their legalist school and the influence of law system and judicial practice. 第四章探讨《商君书》的法律思想,主要分析其法律观、法的普及教育以及商鞅学派法律思想对秦国法律制度、司法实践的影响。
The conclusion part restates this viewpoint, and gives a induction and summary of the practice of the idea of law enforcement for the people. 结论部分重申了本文的论述观点,并对执法为民理念的践行做了归纳与总结。
But the tax authorities are restricted and influenced by the factors such as, its own idea of law enforcement, law enforcement level, the environment of law enforcement, so there is a lot shortcomings in tax law enforcement, and the risk inside is more dangerous. 而税务机关自身受执法观念、执法水平、执法环境等因素的影响和制约,税收执法漏洞多,所蕴含的风险也越来越大。
In the end, the author poses safeguards of the interpretation obligation, establishes the system of explaining free proof and the idea of law, clearly stipulates the force effect of court not fulfilling the interpretation obligation, offers involved party specific measures of relief. 最后,提出了释明义务的保障措施。确立法官心证公开和法律见解公开制度,明确规定法院不履行释明义务的法律后果,给当事人提供具体的救济措施。
During this process, many problems arise inevitably, which disobeys the idea of law, such as media trial, news tort and so on. 在发展过程中,也出现了不少违反法治理念的问题,例如:媒介审判,新闻侵权等。
The idea of law applied to prevent alien species made and regulations of the system, laws are effective and should embody the law of value. 将这一法律理念应用到防治外来物种入侵法律规制之中,所制定的法律才是有效的,才能体现法律应有的价值。